What Is the Best Solution for Your Bruxism?

October 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 5:17 pm

making a night guardEveryone might grind their teeth occasionally when they’re annoyed or angry, but persistently putting pressure on those pearly whites of yours can lead to serious problems. Bruxism (teeth grinding) can cause headaches and, moreover, it puts that smile of yours in danger. The pressure that you put on your teeth may cause them to break or crack over time. Ouch! What factors are behind bruxism, and what is the best solution for this problem?

Understanding Bruxism

In adults, stress is a common cause of bruxism. Many grown-ups may grind their teeth at night without even being aware that they’re doing it. If you’re under a lot of stress and commonly wake up with a sore jaw or a headache, it may be a good idea to visit your dentist to see if they can spot signs of teeth grinding.

Other possible causes of bruxism in adults include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • An abnormal bite
  • A sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea

Children may also fall into the trap of grinding their teeth. They may do it as a way to cope with pain or because they have an overbite or underbite. Fortunately, most kids outgrow this behavior by the time they reach adolescence, but if you have concerns, you should talk to your children’s dentist about your little one’s bruxism the next time your family goes in for their twice-yearly appointments.

Mouth Guards — A Tried and True Solution

A mouth guard that is worn at night is the classic solution for bruxism — and it works well. Your dentist can design a custom night guard for you that will protect your teeth and stop you from grinding your teeth during the nighttime hours. Such guards and small, comfortable, and durable.

Don’t try to skip a visit to your dentist by ordering a stock mouth guard online. These products aren’t designed for your mouth, which means they can be extremely uncomfortable to wear. Furthermore, they do not provide the level of protection that your smile needs.

Other Approaches to Bruxism

A night guard is the best way to protect your teeth from the ravages of bruxism, but there are other treatment options that might be able to save your oral health. For example, physical therapy can help you identify the triggers for your teeth grinding (if you do it during the day) and this heightened awareness can help you conquer the habit. Physical therapy exercises can also help to relieve tension in your jaw.

You might also try some stress reduction methods. By changing your schedule, spending more time with your loved ones, or learning more effective techniques for confronting stress and anxiety, you may be able to tackle the issues that are at the heart of your bruxism.

Teeth grinding is a big deal! If you suffer from bruxism, why not talk to your dentist about getting a custom-made night guard?

About Our Practice

Drs. Thomas Novak and Rebecca Doolittle are proud to serve the folks in the Weatherford area. They want all of their patients to have beautiful, healthy smiles, which is why they would be pleased to help you get ahead of your bruxism. If you have questions about teeth grinding, you can contact our office at 817-594-7302.

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